World Coffee Research Launches Global Survey on Agricultural Research Priorities

Agricultural research and development are critical for securing the future of coffee. 

World Coffee Research (WCR) has designed a global survey on agricultural research priorities with input from other coffee organizations including the SCA. The survey aims to understand the needs of the coffee industry in agricultural research and development.

The purpose of the survey is to amplify the voices of the coffee community and to help the research community understand the professional and business needs that can be addressed by scientific, academic, and applied research.

Please take a few minutes to participate in the WCR Agricultural R&D Research Needs Survey and in doing so help WCR construct a research agenda that supports the needs of the industry, drives increased sustainability and prosperity and makes coffee better. 

Based on the information provided in this survey, WCR will draft a strategy for 2020-2025. WCR will interview many stakeholders and generate this draft report in April. The report will be sent to the community for feedback and comments, revised, and then finalized in July 2020, with Board approval.

You can find the survey here.