Towards a Greater Understanding of Coffee Brewing Fundamentals

The Coffee Science Foundation, the research arm of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), teamed up with the UC Davis Coffee Center embarking on a two-year project to re-evaluate the scientific assumptions, measurement tools, sensory information, and, most importantly, consumer research that forms the foundation of the coffee industry’s fundamental understanding of coffee brewing.

This ground-breaking research is underwritten by a generous grant from Breville, a global leader in innovative design for high-end appliances, including coffee and espresso equipment.

This research project is co-led by Dr. William Ristenpart, a Chemical Engineer and founder of the now-famous “Design of Coffee” curriculum, and Dr. Jean-Xavier Guinard, a Professor and Sensory Scientist, whose research helped design the new Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel. Together, the two scientists have executed a comprehensive research program with chemistry, sensory, and consumer research elements, that updates, revises, and improves the fundamentals of coffee brewing science.

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Featured Research Outputs


Explore the original academic publications associated with this research project on the Coffee Science Foundation website here.