Roles and Responsibilities of Volunteer-Led SCA Chapters

This page outlines the basic responsibilities of the various roles of your local SCA Chapter Committee. These descriptions offer a platform for the volunteer leadership roles required to run a successful SCA Chapter. These positions are not exclusive or required— your Committee may choose to have only the positions it needs (a minimum of 3) or create additional roles not listed below.

Has your chapter created a useful coordinator position that you would like to share with others by including it in this document? Send us the position description to and we’ll add your position to this list.

National Coordinator (Chair)

  • Acts as an ambassador for the SCA, promoting the association through events, education and other activities for the full 2-year term in accordance with SCA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Chairs the committee ensuring a collaborative and ethical work atmosphere amongst the Committee coordinators at all times.
  • Ensures that all committee coordinators reflect the SCA’s vision and mission in engaging with members and the greater community in compliance with the SCA Code of Conduct.
  • Engages regularly with the association’s Community Experience Team, the staff who support Chapter and Competition Body activities. You can reach your local community experience team via
  • Responsible for the finances of the SCA Chapter and appoints independent treasurer/accountant who will in turn be responsible for opening and managing a bank account, registering for VAT (taxes) and registering an independent legal entity for the sole use of chapter activities in accordance with the local national laws and regulations.
  • Provides annual accounts in English before year end to the SCA Accounts Department
  • Attends the annual SCA Chapters Summit
  • Organizes with the Community Coordinator (and other committee members if needed) an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all chapter members to attend.
  • Promotes, liaises and communicates with chapter members on a regular basis.
  • Cooperates with the association’s election team during the next election period.

Community Coordinator

This roles was formerly known as the Membership Coordinator.

  • Acts as an ambassador of the SCA sharing the association’s mission, vision, and values with all members of the local community for the full 2-year term in accordance with SCA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Engages with both members and the greater local coffee community, strengthening the connection between members/community and the association.
  • Organizes regular member/community meetings and events to engage and involve chapter members.
  • Supports the National Coordinator to organize an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all members to attend, including presentations from each coordinator and an overview of Chapter activity.
  • Works with the chapter’s Marketing & Communications Coordinator in maintaining an active online presence which may include activity on the chapter social media accounts, forums, discussions, webinars, podcasts, etc.
  • Is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has signed a Data Protection for Volunteers prior to accessing the SCA Member Portal.

Education Coordinator

  • Acts as an ambassador and information resource for educational programming offered by the SCA and its partners, including publications, events and certificate programs for the full 2-year term in accordance with SCA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Engages with coffee educators in their community to identify the demand for professional development activities and resources.
  • Assists with the distribution of research outputs from SCA and its partners.
  • Assists the SCA’s Guilds with organizing local events around the topic of education and professional development of Guild and local Chapter members.
  • Advises learners who are interested in SCA certificate education programs.
  • Advises potential trainers who are interested in SCA Trainer Authorization.
  • Assists the SCA with the translation of certificate program course materials.
  • Supports World Competition Education Programs (WCEPs) in collaboration with World Coffee Events (WCE) staff.

Events Coordinator

  • Organizes national competitions in accordance with WCE Rules & Regulations, which may include regional heats, for the full 2-year term in accordance with SCA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Shares dates and information on Chapter-organized events with the Marketing & Communications team.
  • Ensures all finals (ex: Cup Tasters) are attended by a WCE Rep.
  • Ensures that all participants at events have signed the Code of Conduct of Participation.
  • Encourages all participants, judges, competitors, and volunteers to join the SCA community.
  • Supports the coordination of judges calibrations prior to competitions.
  • Coordinates hospitality services, including meals and accommodations for visiting judges.
  • Raises sponsorship funds to cover competitions including costs of competitors attending world finals.
  • Responsible for recruiting volunteers to support events.
  • Liaises with WCE Sanctioning, Reports and Registrations within the required time.
  • Engages with SCA Guilds around local and member-driven events.
  • Shares and promotes news about SCA events with local community.
  • Ensures that the WCE License fee is paid annually and on time.
  • Ensures visibility and correct use of the WCE and SCA Chapter logo in accordance with brand guidelines.

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

This position may be split into two separate coordinator roles, if required.

  • Acts as an Ambassador of the SCA in communicating with members and the greater coffee community regularly through the chapter’s social media accounts, website, and email announcements, for the full 2-year term in accordance with SCA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Shares and engages with the staff on the SCA’s Marketing and Communications team.
  • Directly communicates with competitors and ensures everyone is updated with the details of registration and other event information.
  • Publishes a chapter newsletter quarterly to all members, sponsors, and local community.
  • Regularly shares engaging content on the chapter’s social media accounts
  • Ensures that all chapter activities and marketing materials adhere to the SCA brand guidelines.
  • Engages with local media and press.
  • Supports translations of news and announcements from the association to members.
  • Connects with the Guilds and promotes events to the local audience.
  • Is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has signed a Data Protection for Volunteers document prior to accessing the SCA Member Portal.

Judges Coordinator

  • Acts as an ambassador of the SCA and as part of the Chapter Committee for the full 2-year term in accordance with SCA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Responsible for the education, calibration and review of all judges, maintaining a high standard.
  • Organizes judges workshops and calibrations in line with the competitions calendar.
  • Organizes judges teams and their schedules for the national competitions, ensuring that individual judges have no more than eight competitors in one day.
  • Ensures all judges and competitors have signed a copy of the SCA Code of Conduct of Participation prior to competitions.
  • Provides clear instructions and oversight to scorekeepers, ensuring accuracy and confidentiality throughout the competitions, and supports the WCE Representative or Head Judge.
  • Pursues further education for qualified judges through World Competitions Education Programs and WCE Judges Certifications.
  • Responsible for ensuring that a WCE Rep is present at all competitions in accordance with the WCE Sanctioning requirements.

New in 2024: Marketing and Community Coordinator Combined Role

  • Acts as an Ambassador of the SCA in communicating with members and the greater coffee community regularly through the chapter’s social media accounts, website, and email announcements, for the full term in accordance with SCA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Shares and engages with the staff on the SCA’s Marketing and Communications team.
  • Directly communicates with competitors and ensures everyone is updated with the details of registration and other event information.
  • Ensures that all chapter activities and marketing materials adhere to the SCA brand guidelines.
  • Engages with local media and press.
  • Supports translations of news and announcements from the association to members.
  • Connects with the Guilds and promotes events to the local audience.
  • Engages with both members and the greater local coffee community, strengthening the connection between members/community and the association.
  • Organises regular member/community meetings and events to engage and involve chapter members.
  • Supports the National Coordinator to organise an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all members to attend, including presentations from each coordinator and an overview of Chapter activity.
  • Is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has signed a Data Protection for Volunteers document prior to accessing the SCA Member Portal.

Adding New Roles to Your Chapter Committee

Depending on the number of members in the local chapter, it may be necessary to expand the committee to include deputy roles and/or sub-committees or working groups.

There are two ways to extend the committee:

  1. Adding new roles through the formal election process: It is possible to integrate additional roles into the election by reaching out to the Election Officer prior to the start of the upcoming election by the outgoing Committee. The Election Officer will oversee the inclusion of any additional roles, leading to official recognition. These roles will be bound to the same agreements described within this document.

  2. Adding new roles at the committee‘s discretion: Additional roles may be appointed as required by a majority vote within the committee. Deputy coordinators and members of sub-committees/working groups will not be as an official position within the chapter and therefore are not bound by the same agreement described within this document.

If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please reach out to the staff of the SCA Community Experience team via email at

Contact Us

Do you have questions about the roles for your SCA Chapter? Get in touch by submitting the form below and a member of our staff will be happy to help you.