A Message from SCA President Christina Meinl

My name is Christina Meinl and I am the President of the Board of the Specialty Coffee Association As many countries are officially going into lockdown, I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.

After many weeks of discussions with more than two dozen partners, we sadly had to announce the cancellation of our global coffee Expo and our Re:co 2020 in Portland.  

This was a very hard decision for all of us, especially because the teams and volunteers put a lot of hours and days and weekends into planning the show, and obviously these shows take a long time to plan. However, the health and safety of you, of our community, of our members, and also of our staff, has to be first priority.

In the weeks to come, we will assess how we will be able to reach out to our community, how to support our members, support you, in these difficult weeks to come. This virus obviously affects everyone in the entire value chain and we know that challenging times are ahead.

Yannis, the CEO of the SCA, and his whole executive team, as well as myself and the board, are really assessing opportunities of how to change the mode of reaching out to you, digital formats, education, assets that you can also use in your daily life. We know that we need to be here for you, as your partner, to make sure that life in specialty coffee goes on well.

Similarly, locally, also the chapters are reaching out to local governments to really see how to advocate for their local specialty community and also for the professionals working in that community. So rest assured we will do everything we can to support you locally, and also in countries around the globe, to make sure we make the best out of the difficult situation we know you’re facing.

Let us know your ideas, tag us, write us, however you want to reach out to us. Please give us your feedback, we will listen to you, your interest is our interest, we are here to support you. Be safe, be well. Thank you very much.

Christina Meinl
President of the Board
Specialty Coffee Association