US Coffee Market Grew to US$87-88 Billion in 2018 - New Report


The SCA's US Coffee Market Overview 2018 offers a large-scale understanding of coffee retail sales.


The report focuses on retail values of coffee in the US and explores where people buy and consume their coffee.This information is valuable for industry players as it offers insight into directions for future growth. The report is available for free to SCA members and for public purchase in the SCA Store here.


  • The retail value of the US coffee market continues to grow, reaching US$87-88 billion in 2018

  • Most retail sales of coffee in the US come from the "Away From Home" segment

  • "Away From Home" retail sales was almost US$74 billion, while sales of coffee purchased for At Home consumption was US$14 billion*

Away From Home:

  • Coffeehouses continue to be a significant place of consumption out of the home, with sales at US$26.3 billion. Starbucks made up almost half of the total coffeehouse sales.

At Home:

This year, the presentation of information for "At Home" is laid out differently, breaking down the sales of coffee as follows:

  • First by the type of coffee consumed at home (ground, whole bean, instant)

  • Second by subcategory type (pods, standard)

  • Third by top company/brands

  • Sales of ground coffee dominate the At Home segment, with pods making up a significant amount at US$5.4 billion

This data comes from a variety of sources, in combination with a review of selected filings and other publicly available information, including Euromonitor, NACS, NAMA, CSP Magazine, Automatic Vending Merchandiser, Technomic Inc., and IBIS World.

SCA Chief Executive Officer Yannis Apostolopoulos said, “The US coffee market offers a unique vantage point for an overview of the current coffee industry and consumer habits. We hope this report, created with data from a wide range of public sources, will provide valuable insights into what to expect in the coming months and year ahead."

“A large-scale understanding of the coffee marketplace is essential to grasping a big-picture overview of the coffee industry, which helps inform anyone in the coffee community. We hope this publication will support better decision-making, analysis, and understanding among coffee people and observers of the coffee industry alike,” added Peter Giuliano, Executive Director of the Coffee Science Foundation and SCA Chief Research Officer.

The report is available for free to SCA members and for public purchase in the SCA Store here.

*This year RTD category was moved from "At Home" to "Away From Home."