Carlos Brando and Veronica Herlina on Scaling Local Action for Global Sustainability Results | Re:co Symposium 2019

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Today, we’re very happy to present the third episode of the “The Role of Innovation and Technical Advancement,” a session recorded at Re:co Symposium this past April. This session explored and evaluated advances in innovation positioned to make an impact within our industry as we work to resolve the coffee price crisis. If you haven’t seen the previous episodes in this series, we strongly recommend going back to watch before you continue with this episode. 

Global Coffee Platform members and Country Platform stakeholders have united in new ways to tackle the economic viability of coffee farming at scale. Innovative collaborations, including National Coffee Sustainability Curricula, the Country Platform Global Congress, and Global Coffee Platform Member Initiatives are bringing sustainability champions together in pre-competitive partnerships to amplify investments and achieve more resilient, productive and profitable coffee farming communities. We all rely upon profitable coffee farming to support our thriving global industry.

Here, Carlos Brando and Veronica Herlina share how Global Coffee Platform members are pioneering a neutral, pre-competitive organization where both private and public sustainability stakeholders actively create a common roadmap and actionable agendas to move our shared, critical sustainability strategies forward faster.

Special Thanks to Toddy 

This talk from Re:co Boston is supported by Toddy. For over 50 years, Toddy brand cold brew systems have delighted baristas, food critics, and regular folks alike. By extracting all the natural and delicious flavors of coffee and tea, Toddy Cold Brew Systems turn your favorite coffee beans and tea leaves into fresh cold brew concentrates, that are ready to serve and enjoy. Learn more about Toddy at

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Table of Contents

0:00 Introduction
2:45 How the Global Coffee Platform supports small farmers who only earn 25% of the FOB export price
8:30 How the Global Coffee Platform helps countries create a language of sustainability to support major charitable investment projects in coffee-growing countries, identifying "low-hanging fruit" sustainability gaps
15:20 Testimonials from Uganda, Kenya, and Vietnam on how the Global Coffee Platform operates in their countries
20:45 Veronica Herlina on how the Global Coffee Platform operates in Indonesia and adapts to local conditions
40:45 Outro