Fragmenting Desires: Understanding Today’s Specialty Coffee Consumers | Kim Elena Ionescu | Re:co 2022

As more consumers come to the coffee-laden table, our collective preferences haven’t just shifted; they’ve fragmented.

Special Thanks to our Re:co 2022 Partners

Re:co Symposium wouldn’t be possible without our generous partners, including our lead partner, Simonelli Group. Learn more about how all our partners are supporting the industry stage for leadership and ideas.

The “emerging market” isn’t limited to tea-drinking cultures—new markets are also emerging in coffee-producing regions as well as with new consumers groups in more traditional, established markets. In this session, we’ll explore a variety of these emerging markets to learn how new consumers navigate the intersection of global specialty trends and more local expressions of specialty coffee culture. What range of experiences are being valued in each market? What can more established markets learn about consumer fragmentation and diversification from these new market successes?

About the Presenter

Kim Elena Ionescu
Chief Sustainability and Knowledge Development Officer, Specialty Coffee Association

Kim Elena Ionescu is the Chief Sustainability and Knowledge Development Officer for the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), where she develops strategy and leads action on behalf of coffee-centric businesses and organizations both large and small in the United States, Europe, and beyond to tackle the challenges coffee faces now and in the future.

Prior to joining the association, Kim spent a decade buying coffee and creating and directing sustainability at Counter Culture Coffee in North Carolina, where she resides with her husband and two daughters. And although these days she is more likely to be found behind desks and podiums than cupping tables and espresso machines, Kim believes that innovation and collaboration across the coffee value chain are critical for our community to thrive.

Directly connect to the people and conversations driving coffee at Re:co, the industry stage for leadership and ideas. Addressing the most pressing topics facing our industry today, Re:co blends expert speakers, sensory experiences, live discussion, networking, and community engagement opportunities.

Re:co Symposium returns April 19-20, 2023 in Portland, Oregon, US. Learn more: