How to Nominate Speakers for SCA Events

The SCA is a global organization dedicated to engaging, inspiring, and expanding a sustainable global specialty coffee community through leadership in research, education, and events. To deliver this vision, the SCA produces a number of in person and digital events that are dedicated to engaging, inspiring, and expanding a sustainable global specialty coffee community. 

We are actively seeking presenters to speak at SCA events. Presenters can be experts, academics, researchers and industry leaders of all backgrounds, especially those whose voices are often underrepresented in our industry. 

Specialty coffee offers a dynamic and powerful lens for learning, and we particularly enjoy hearing from speakers whose interests, experiences, and areas of expertise originate outside of the specialty coffee world. 

All nominated speakers go through a collaborative review process.


How to Nominate a Speaker or a Topic

Please nominate yourself or someone else as a speaker by filling out the form below. Include a clear, concise summary of the topic you’d like to speak about, the point of view from which you’d address it, and your main point/argument. It’s also helpful to include a basic outline of the piece (the anticipated story structure). 

Please also include a short biography of you or person you are nominating. If you’ve spoken at other events or have resources related to your topic (research papers, reports, videos) please send us some links! But if you haven’t, that’s ok, too: It’s not a prerequisite. 

Depending on the length, depth, and topic of your proposed talk, it may fall into one of a few different events. If you think your talk would work for one or more events, please let us know in the nomination form.

Find our full call for presenters and nominations here.