SCA Education Presenting Two Webinars About Coffee Sustainability Program

SCA Education organized two webinars to introduce the new Coffee Sustainability Program.

Updated October 17: Thanks to all who joined us on October 15 for the first webinar in Spanish about the new Coffee Sustainability Program from SCA Education, with Kim Elena Ionescu, Nora Burkey, Kate Fischer, and Ricardo Oteros. Watch the recorded webinar on YouTube.

Updated October 14: Thanks to all who joined us on October 8 for the first webinar about the new Coffee Sustainability Program from SCA Education, with Kim Elena Ionescu, Erika Koss, Hanes Motsinger, and Frans Taapken. Watch the recorded webinar on YouTube.

SCA Education organized two webinars to introduce the new Coffee Sustainability Program. The webinars will take place on October 8 at 12pm EDT / 4pm GMT in English and October 15 at 11am EDT / 3pm GMT in Spanish.

From 2018-2019, the creator group for the Sustainability Coffee Skills curriculum for the Specialty Coffee Association comprised Erika Koss and Hanes Motsinger (English webinar, October 8), Nora Burkey and Kate Fischer (Spanish webinar, October 15).

ASTs Frans Taapken and Ricardo Oteros were among their first pilot Foundation and Intermediate students in early 2019.

The course launched at the Specialty Coffee Expo in Boston, USA, in April 2019, taught by Erika and Nora.

Since then, Nora and Erika have taught several sections of Foundation and Intermediate online or in person.  Last week, Erika taught the first-ever Foundation course in Kenya and Frans taught the first-ever course in Europe, in the Netherlands. Kate will teach the first-ever class in Peru in 2020.

The first-ever Professional course will launch at the end of October, co-taught online by Nora, Kate, and Erika.

October 8 at 12pm EDT / 4pm GMT - Watch the recorded webinar here
Kim Elena Ionescu
Panelists:  co-creators Erika Koss and Hanes Motsinger, with Frans Taapken

October 15 at 11am EDT / 3pm GMT - Watch the recorded webinar here
Kim Elena Ionescu
Panelists: co-creators Nora Burkey and Kate Fischer, with Ricardo Oteros

Learn more about the presenters:

Erika Koss

A native Californian, Erika now lives in Nairobi, Kenya, where she is Research Associate at the University of Nairobi. As a PhD candidate in the International, Development Studies program at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, her dissertation focuses on the need for climate resilience and gender equity for the East African coffee sector. Her coffee career began as a barista in 1996 in San Diego, during which time she earned her MA in English literature. www.AWorldinYourCup / IG @AWorldinYourCup

Hanes Motsinger

Hanes is the Social Innovation Program Coordinator at the Wond'ry, Vanderbilt University's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Before this, she was the Program Manager at ABQid, Inc., a non-profit startup accelerator supporting New Mexico-based entrepreneurs. She has more than a decade of non-profit industry experience. Hanes holds an M.A. in the Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation from Sussex University and an M.S. degree from the University of New Mexico, where her thesis examined corporate social responsibility practices in the specialty coffee industry.

Frans Taapken

Francs has worked in coffee for ten years as a trainer, roaster, coffee consultant, and Q-Grader. He has worked for ten years in coffee, both large and small, both commercial and specialty. These experiences led him to form his own company in 2017, Spoon & Tamper, in the Netherlands, which focuses on coffee consulting and coffee education. As an AST since 2017, when he teaches any course, he seeks to encourage an open mind in himself and with his students.

Nora Burkey

Nora es fundadora de una organización sin fines de lucro que se llama The Chain Collaborative. La misión de la organización es invertir en líderes locales en comunidades de café para que realicen desarrollo sostenible basado en sus propias visiones para cambio. Nora tiene una maestría en desarrollo sostenible y ha consultado para una variedad de organizaciones en la industria de café. Ella ha escrito para varias revistas y ha colaborado con muchos proyectos de sostenibilidad en África y América Latina.

Kate Fischer

La Dra. Kate Fischer es una antropóloga cultural. Ella enseña en el Programa de Honor de la Universidad de Colorado y es la fundadora de Anthropos Coffee Research. Kate es una Profesional de Procesamiento de CQI y miembra de la primera cohorte de expertos en procesamiento. Su investigación actual se centra en las operaciones de procesamiento y poscosecha con pequeños productores en el oeste de Honduras para mejorar la calidad del café de una manera sostenible y alcanzable.

Ricardo Oteros Sánchez-Pozuelo

Fundador y CEO de SUPRACAFE. Economista, AST, Q-Grader, Q-Proccesing. Presidente de la FUNDACION CAFEMUNDI, y miembro del board del SUSTAINBLE COFFEE CHALLENGE y de la Asociación Española del Café. Miembro fundador de TECNICAFE. Ponente en diferentes foros de sostenibilidad (Consejo Económico UN- NY, Forum mundial OCDE – Paris) y cafeteros (30 Congreso Café de Guatemala, Café Fina Experiencia-Medellín).