Announcing A Systems Map Discussion Series

Join us for a discussion series organized around the central activities of the Coffee Systems Map.

You maybe have already seen the new Coffee Systems Map launched earlier this year. Or perhaps this is the first you’re hearing about it. This map is a tool we created to illustrate the various activities and roles in the coffee value chain and — perhaps more importantly — how they interconnect and overlap.

To dig deeper into the Systems Map and the various connections it explores, we're launching this Discussion Series where we invite people that work within the different activities to come together and discuss their work and relationship to actors on the Coffee Systems Map.

Through these conversations we hope to better illuminate the various relationships and gaps in our awareness, ultimately leading to a better understanding of how the entire coffee system works and who it works for. You can see the series of four episodes covering six activities here:

Episode 1: Farming & Processing - watch here

Episode 2: Exporting - watch here

Episode 3: Importing - watch here

Episode 4: Roasting & Brewing - watch here

Learn more about the Price Crisis Summary of Work, which outlines more of the thinking behind the map, here.


Special Thanks to Savor Brands

The Systems Map Discussion Series is made possible with support from Savor Brands. Featuring packaging solutions at every step of the supply chain, Savor Brands is there for you. Want to create high-quality packaging that grows your business? Learn more at