Livelihoods in Coffee Episode #3: The Business Case of Living Wage

Update: Episode recorded on Thursday, July 15 2021

Join us for a new session in the Livelihoods in Coffee webinar series, this Thursday, July 15.

Livelihoods in Coffee is an ongoing conversation within our community. Do you own a business? Or are you wondering how to start a conversation with your organization/company around living wage/living salary? Join the third episode of this series where we will be joined by Shaheen Hashmat from the Living Wage Foundation UK to explore reasons — economical, social, and many more — why it makes perfect sense as a business to commit to paying employees a living wage. We will also be joined by Leon Grodski Barrera, Co-Owner of Little Waves Coffee Roasters, and Jimson Bienenstock, President and Co-Owner of HotBlack Coffee. Leon and Jimson have advocated for the living wage/ living salary in their own businesses, and are able to support Shaheen’s case with real-life coffee business examples.

Learn more on the Barista Guild website.