Presenting the 2020 SCA Czech Republic Chapter Committee

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Updated July 8

We are pleased to announce that we have received sufficient nominees to fulfill all open coordinator roles to form SCA Czech Republic Chapter Committee for the 2020-2022 term.

As there were no other contenders for the open committee positions there is no need to proceed with the usual election process.

Your new SCA Czech Republic Chapter Committee is formed by:

  • National Coordinator: Ondřej Hurtík

  • Community Coordinator: Jointly held by Marie Jiraskova and Lukas Podbehly

  • Education Coordinator: Tereza Balá

  • Events Coordinator: Filip Szturc

  • Judges Coordinator: Kristián Kříž

  • Marketing and Communications Coordinator: Petr Holata

Special thanks to SCA members in the Czech Republic for their commitment to the Chapter and for participating in this election. Please continue to support the committee in their upcoming two-year term. If you would like to connect with your Chapter leadership please contact them by emailing Follow SCA Czech Republic on FacebookTwitter, and find the latest updates on the official website.

We wish the new committee every success with the continued development of the local coffee community.

As a reminder, you can learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each position on our website

Meet the 2020 SCA Czech Republic Chapter Committee


Ondřej Hurtík

National Coordinator

Ahoj, kandiduji na post národního koordinátora, kdy bych rád navázal na skvělou práci Adiny. Dali jsme dohromady silný tým a věřím, že dokážeme udělat spoustu dobrých věcí pro českou kávovou komunitu.


Marie Jiraskova

Community Coordinator (held jointly with Lukas Podbehly)

For a few years now, the coffee community has been an integral part of my life. Before that happened, I spent two years as a junior manager at the Cinestar. Which I consider to be a very valuable experience, especially in the field of crisis communication.

In 2017, I actively participated in the strategic management of the newly established café "Fofr Kafe". Since 2018, I have been anchored in the coffee shop "Jedno Kafe", where I take care of team leadership, the operation of the café and, last but not least, communication with customers and clients. In 2019 and 2020, I helped with Barista of the Year as a stage manager.

I think that my previous experience in the field of communication and leadership related to energy, which I would very much like to devote to building a new and stronger community, will be the key to my participation in a closer team SCA Czech. 

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Lukas Podbehly

Community Coordinator (held jointly with Marie Jiraskova)

I've been working with coffee for eleven years and with speciality coffee eight years. I am currently working in Doubleshot roastery for two years. My priority is learning and acquiring new knowledge.  Definitely my work is my hobby. 


Tereza Balá

Education Coordinator

I work in coffee industry for more than 12 years, currently 9 years with specialty coffee roastery Doubleshot based in Prague. After many years as barista I’ve shifted into mentor and training position. From 2014 I regularly teach coffee classes for baristas and public too. I regularly judge as a tech at national barista competitions. I would love to encourage young people to take their work with coffee responsibly, healthy and with fun. 


Filip Szturc

Events Coordinator

I have experience from non profit company, where i worked organising summer camps and festival, also working on propagation and training materials and leading a team and working in team, training other people as well. I am big fan of speciality coffee and for a year i run a coffee shop in my city, cooperating closely with father's coffee roastery. I happy to use my abilities to help SCA in Czechia.


Kristián Kříž

Judges Coordinator

I have been working in the specialty coffee industry for five years, but I have been in the hospitality industry since I was a child. I have gone from initial enthusiasm and passion to successfully running a coffee shop. In the last 3 years I have been actively participating in the judging of Czech barista competitions. I am happy to have an opportunity to build on previous work for the coffee community to help to increase the knowledge of coffee in Czech Republic and build a base of experienced professionals.

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Petr Holata

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Father, writer, gourmet and an active member of czech chapter, co-manager of Cukrárna Alchymista and MC for various coffee events.

Questions or comments?

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