Voting is Now Open in the 2020 SCA Ireland Chapter Election


Voting in the 2020 SCA Ireland Chapter elections is officially open. The nomination stage is closed, and the candidates listed below have accepted their nominations. If you are an SCA member based in Ireland, cast your vote for the new committee for the SCA Ireland Chapter Committee now.

Voting is open June 10-17, and the results of the election will be announced on June 24.

SCA chapter volunteers embody the values of specialty coffee by working to deliver education, events, and research to their regional communities. The Chapter personifies the vision and mission of the SCA in all activities. SCA chapter elections enable SCA members to vote and select the volunteer committee who will be leading their local Chapter's activities for the next two years.

Learn more about SCA Chapters here.

Meet the Nominees in the 2020 SCA Ireland Chapter Elections

Nominee for the National Coordinator Position


Elizabeth Skelly

I would be delighted to represent the chapter and its members as National Coordinator.
Supporting the Coffee Community during these current circumstances has been invigorating and I would love to continue to support open communication as we reinvent our events and the coffee community into our new future.

Elizabeth is the only member to accept a nomination for the National Coordinator position. She is also nominated for the Marketing and Communications Coordinator role.

Nominees for the Community Coordinator Position


Megan Byrne

Nominated for the Community Coordinator Position

I'm delighted to have been nominated for the position of Community Coordinator with the SCA Irish chapter. I've worked in the coffee industry for over 7 years and have had various positions throughout the Dublin/Kildare/Wicklow region. I've got a particular interest in brewing and the sensory aspects of coffee, and am a certified national sensory/ technical judge.

You'll find me at any event which is midly coffee related! Connecting with members of the community at local and national events is the highlight of working in the industry for me. Ireland has a really talented pool of individuals, whom together make up an energetic community which I'm thrilled to be a part of. I think our members are doing a fantastic job during these trying times staying connected via social media initiatives and I look forward to meeting in person for coffees again sometime soon! 

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James Coffey

Nominated for the Community Coordinator Position

Coffey by name, coffee by nature! In recent years I have become more invested in coffee, trying to learn as much as I can about a fantastic industry. Since setting up Bean Delivered to send different Irish roasted coffee to people every month I have met great coffee people. As a community coordinator I will bring these people and the wider community together. I believe my skills in communication and rapport building would be a real asset to the SCA Ireland and the role. I have much to learn in coffee and want to bring the community along with me.


Gary Hollywood

Nominated for the Community Coordinator Position

While working for Bewley's since 2010, I discovered my passion for coffee and was introduced to this amazing world coffee community! From competing with, learning from and working with some of the best in the business, I consider myself lucky to be part of this industry!

My eldest son Ethan loves to brew coffee, and my other son Lucas HAS to turn on the kettle and grinder when I make my morning brew! Competed in Latte art 2012, Cup Tasters each year since 2015, Aeropress championship (Champion 2016 WOC Dublin), Brewers cup Judge 2019.

Nominees for the Education Coordinator Position


Gerry Hughes

Nominated for the Education Coordinator Position

With 18 years experience in the industry i have worked in formulating and driving many projects covering training, sales and education. Bring knowledge and fun to the community is a great challenge and one i would be thrilled to be involved in. Supporting people with desire and commitment should be looked upon as a privilege and i would  be honoured to take up this role. 


Alin Giriada

Nominated for the Education Coordinator Position

My name is Alin Giriada and I am the current Education Coordinator. I work in the coffee industry for the last 16 years. I am an Authorized SCA Trainer in all Coffee Skills Program modules and also a Q Instructor. During my first mandate, I ensured that courses from all modules will be organized in Ireland and I helped to create and to implement the competition judges workshops.

In my next mandate, I want to make accessible the Sustainability module along with the CSP program, bring more Q courses to Ireland and organize more workshops and educational events. 


Seivijus (Elvis) Matiejunas

Nominated for the Education Coordinator Position

12 years ago I joined coffee world. I started as barista and then I joined barista training team in Bewley's. I started sharing all I’ve learned with my colleagues in Bewleys, by starting working as a trainer. Many times I represented Lithuania and Ireland in coffee championships and I love to coach/ help other competitors in various national and world championships including Latte Art, Cupping and Barista for last 8 years.

To compete in any coffee event a big challenge for myself; however, I am trying to encourage not only myself, but also people around me. My daily routine is all about the progress – not about being the best – and about getting better continuously. These reasons made myself more motivated to work hard, study and learn more. I have a coffee diploma of SCA. I am Authorized SCA trainer (AST) - Intro to Coffee, Barista Skills and Sensory Skills.  

Nominees for the Events Coordinator Position


Julia Murray

Nominated for the Events Coordinator Position

People and coffee - always.  The buzz I get from people is what keeps me going and that, coupled with coffee is a powerful combination.  Running events has been a big part of what I have been doing for years and I love the thrill of it all (apart from the pre event nerves - nobody likes them!).  I feel that with the right team and people on the committee that I can contribute confidently in this role. 


Gail Henshall

Nominated for the Events Coordinator Position

Nominating myself for Event Coordinator is an exciting opportunity to give back to the SCA, get hands on and contribute to our growing Speciality Coffee Community.  I’m 12 years in the coffee industry - the SCA has offered me a structured path to expand my coffee knowledge, gaining my AST Barista Skills and currently working on Brewing and Sensory. I’m proudly part of the Bell Lane Coffee team, and in a past life I was an Events Manager in the USA, so I know what it takes to make it happen! I’m ready to blend my two passions Coffee + Events.


Maria Cassidy

Nominated for the Events Coordinator Position

My name is Maria and I have been working in coffee for the past 20 years.  I am very passionate about the coffee industry and  love being part of the coffee community in Ireland. Since 2007 I have been an active part of SCA Ireland, as a national judge and most recently as judging co-ordinator.

A large part of my current professional career is organising coffee events for clients so I believe I can apply these skills  as Events Coordinator. I believe that with my knowledge of the industry, competitions and also what is needed to organise a successful event will benefit the Chapter. Please vote for me!

Nominees for the Judges Coordinator

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Renata Malyszko

I work in Java Republic as a Coffee Quality Consultant and AST. I got involved in coffee competitions as a competitor in Latte Art Championships, and I’ve been judging in national competitions all over the world since 2015. I hold 5 WCE certificates for judging in Barista, Brewers, CiGS, Latte Art and Roasting Championships. I have judged at the World Championships. My experience as both competitor and judge, at national and world competitions has given me a very clear idea of what a Judging Coordinator needs to do to lead and support both sections of the competition community, competitors and judges. I would love the opportunity to put my skills to work in this role. 

Renata is the only member to accept a nomination for the Judges Coordinator position.