Presenting the 2020 SCA Norway Chapter Committee


Updated June 23

We are pleased to announce that we have received sufficient nominees to fulfill all open coordinator roles to form SCA Norway Chapter Committee for the term of 2020-2022.

As there were no other contenders for the open committee positions there is no need to proceed with the usual election process.

Your new SCA Norway Chapter Committee is formed by:

  • National Coordinator - Marit Lynes

  • Community Coordinator -  Tobias Abrahamsen

  • Education Coordinator -  Lise Marie Rømo

  • Events Coordinator -  Madeleine Solheim Johnsen

  • Judges Coordinator - Stig Hiller

Special thanks to SCA members in Norway for their commitment to the Chapter and for participating in this election. Please continue to support the committee in their upcoming two-year term. If you would like to connect with your Chapter leadership please contact them by emailing Follow SCA Norway on FacebookInstagram, and find the latest updates on the official website.

We wish the new committee every success with the continued development of the local coffee community.

As a reminder, you can learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each position on our website

Meet the 2020 SCA Norway Chapter Committee

Marit Lynes

National Coordinator

Marit Lynes is the general manager of Norwegian Coffee Association and the European Coffee Brewing Centre. She has hold the position as the National Coordinator for SCA Norway for some years. She and her staff at the office work in close relationship with the whole coffee community in Norway and believes that working together is the best way for creating good results. 


Tobias Abrahamsen

Community Coordinator

I have been around good coffee since the mid 90's, and have experienced many trends come and go. My goal is to be curious and open to everything new and inspire others to make especially good coffee!


Lise Marie Rømo

Education Coordinator

Lise Rømo has worked in the industry for a decade, as barista, barista trainer, roaster and now as marketing and head of training for KAFFA Oslo. As the Norwegian Barista Champion 2016 she is known for her friendly, informative and inclusive approach to coffee and the people of coffee. Her goal is to continue to promote specialty coffee and strive for a more sustainable and equal industry. 


Madeleine Solheim Johnsen

Events Coordinator

Bachelor degree in Culture and leadership. 12 years in speciality coffee. SCA Norway board member and events coordinator for 4 years (2016-2020), two times CIGS national champion, 13. place WCIGS Paris 2013 and 4th place 2014 WCIGS Melbourne. CEO and founder of Madisons OSLO.
Passionate about coffee and the coffee community.

Stig Hiller

Judges Coordinator

Stig Hiller is the Technical manager of Norwegian Coffee Association, and the European Coffee Brewing Centre. Stig has a technical background and have over 20 years of hands-on experience working with clients in the coffee industry. He has also been involved in arrange and facilitate several national championships in Norway. Stig`s idea of the perfect day, would always start with a good cup of coffee. 

Questions or comments?

Get in touch with SCA staff via email at