SCA Turkey Chapter: Meet the Committee

The SCA Turkey Chapter has elected their new committee!

We are pleased to announce that we have received sufficient nominations to fulfill five open coordinator roles to form the SCA Turkey Chapter Committee for a new term.

6 coffee professionals were nominated for 5 committee positions, and 5 nominees accepted the role. As these roles are uncontested, there is no need to proceed with the usual election process.

The new SCA Turkey Chapter Committee is formed by:

  • National Coordinator: Elif Unal

  • Events Coordinator: Mertcan Karaagac

  • Judges Coordinator: Deniz Tasdemir

  • Marketing & Community Coordinator: Ugur Asilsoy

  • Education Coordinator: Cem Tolga Izmiroglu

We would like to give the community the chance to provide comments on the new Chapter Committee consisting of the professionals listed above. If you have any feedback, please get in touch with us before June 6 by emailing us at As a reminder, you can learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each position on our website.


Thank you for participating in this important process for the SCA Turkey Chapter.